Friday, September 30, 2005

Turning 21

Finally, the males are becoming men, gentlemen, unlike some of our higher voiced and lesser haired friends(ladies), our twenty firsts begin from the second half of the year. That's right, looks like we are becoming gentlemen one by one, and we'll soon be able to visit the clubs for people the likes of us, if we wish to that is... So, why is it they call it a gentlemen's club anyway. The name is so deceiving. To the unsuspecting F.O.B, that's right, fabulous oriental being, it sounds like a gathering of highly refined men... what else could they do but engage in enlightening, morale boosting and mateship enhancing activities... such as watching the footy, playing pool and poker, and singing gay, i mean jolly, songs. Well if that is what you believe, then you should encourage your man to attend more of these gentlemen club meetings.

So, at birthday parties you hear people's testimonials of their friend, and it is one of the few opportunities that you have of learning about the many wonderful and weird qualities of this friend. It truly entertains and inspires the people who attend. Thanks mate for a great birthday party which has added another tier in my regard and respect for you. And for my other friends yet to officially become gentlemen, go out there, perform some more gentlemanly deeds so that speeches at your party will further inspire us all.


Blogger YN said...

hey wan!
saw ur blog on chao's link........
never told me... *sob sob*
but yeh... interesting blog... and ur english is gd and proper. contrary to wat u say abt urself. lol
and lucian's bday speeches r indeed interesting...
the presents even more

7:13 PM  

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