Friday, October 07, 2005

Love thy self

"All love begins with self-love.Often we start looking for love in all the wrong places. For some reason many of us believe that love actually resides outside of us, when really it resides within us. If as a starting point, you make the decision to love and accept every aspect of yourself, the good, the bad and the ugly; you will find that love will naturally begin gravitating towards you. Not only that, you will begin to see love and beauty in all things. "



Blogger neptunian said...

hii wanilla..angel here. didn't know u've got ur blog going already! saw ur link on kat's blog. now i can spy on the chinese =D

it's true, isn't's easier to love others if u can love urself. don't anybody misinterpret that ok!

1:22 PM  
Blogger Chao said...

Love yourself hey? sounds like a good idea...but do you mean it 'without hands'? haha.

8:10 PM  
Blogger neptunian said...

how disturbing. thanks chao...don't heed my request.

without hands, ok.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

*slap slap*
Stop that!!

3:18 PM  

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