Sunday, October 09, 2005

Reminiscing your childhood

One of my old friends is turning 21 tomorrow. Such a perfect occassion for remembering the past. The wonderful thing about it is you can simply remember the events that happened, and attribute joy to them. Sure they were enjoyable back then, but the act of remembering brings joy in itself as it is a form of qualifying or quantifying your life. Change is the only thing that is constant, embrace it and look forward to it in the future. Indeed, reminiscing the past was a pleasant experience. I look forward to the future in which I can look back on every one of my friends now.


Blogger SS said...

Hi Wan, didn't know you had a blog.
I must say that the name 'Wanillacream' has some funny connotations... lol ;-p

12:09 AM  

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