Friday, September 30, 2005

Daily truths

This shall be something I truly believe in or want to believe in about anything, anywhere

Daily truth: I wouldn't mind a prick in the behind, it would keep me motivated to stand. See your pains as signposts pointing you in the right direction. A signpost might actually be too big.

Turning 21

Finally, the males are becoming men, gentlemen, unlike some of our higher voiced and lesser haired friends(ladies), our twenty firsts begin from the second half of the year. That's right, looks like we are becoming gentlemen one by one, and we'll soon be able to visit the clubs for people the likes of us, if we wish to that is... So, why is it they call it a gentlemen's club anyway. The name is so deceiving. To the unsuspecting F.O.B, that's right, fabulous oriental being, it sounds like a gathering of highly refined men... what else could they do but engage in enlightening, morale boosting and mateship enhancing activities... such as watching the footy, playing pool and poker, and singing gay, i mean jolly, songs. Well if that is what you believe, then you should encourage your man to attend more of these gentlemen club meetings.

So, at birthday parties you hear people's testimonials of their friend, and it is one of the few opportunities that you have of learning about the many wonderful and weird qualities of this friend. It truly entertains and inspires the people who attend. Thanks mate for a great birthday party which has added another tier in my regard and respect for you. And for my other friends yet to officially become gentlemen, go out there, perform some more gentlemanly deeds so that speeches at your party will further inspire us all.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sport, oh wonderful Sport

Sport is great, if you already know that then I'm glad for you, and if you do not, then this is a wake up call. There are so many benefits that I'm not even gonna bother naming. Now something that may put you off sport, especially if ur a tanky, macho type of guy, is you get defeated by a girl, that's right, a being that is on average shorter, lighter, weaker, and who do more talking and less walk except in the supermarket (oh I'm so gonna get beaten up for this).
Not that such indignities would ever happen to a masculine man such as myself... well, so I was recently put off sport *dodgy eyes*, but I've found its not about external perceptions, but should be purely internal, your own sense of well-being and achievement. I hope that finding closure in the way I look at sport will help me find closure in many other aspects of life too. Hope my readers can experience what I'm talking about and adjust their lives accordingly. From the wristband of a great buddy of mine, LiveStrong.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I'm probably gonna be the only person who visits my own blog, pretty sad huh, but the truth is my literary skills are appalling, and I would be ashamed for any1 to see it. Now that comment reveals two important points. One is that in many ways I have as much self esteem as a mule, now I can't think of anything else as a substitute, but i know that a mule works its ass of for humans, getting slapped around on the butt (ohh my vocab is fantastic, i just used 2 different words to express the meaning of bottom). The second point is that, one of the reasons why I'm going to write a blog, is to hopefully enhance my mastery of the art of BSing (b^!! $h!77!n6). Ofcourse other reasons are to provide me with another means of procrastination during my fulfillment of my duties as ARBC member #69